Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How direct mail marketing can go wrong

Direct mail marketing is one of the most popular campaigns done by many business owners and merchants. Often, with a choice of ads such as marketing brochures, postcards, catalogues and advertising, it is a selling technique that works well when it is right because you can send your message directly to your target audience. It is especially effective, with catalogs advertising, direct mail marketing encourages printing orders from the announcement itself.

This type of advertising is also a great success for the most part because marketers ad message that has been created is for those who are more likely to buy from you. Thus, you are more likely to provide a personal ad that can get a positive response from your target audience.

And here is a huge advantage: there is nothing better than to see a full color brochure or catalog brandishing the things you have seen recently and wanted, delivered straight to your mailbox or on your door slats, or any other suitable method.

But sometimes the reliable delivery of mail can never get quite annoying when you have to endure all these ads for direct marketing mail sent to you by any person who has his own business to promote. Of course, it may be informative, useful and economical. But they do not become misleading, too far forward and aggressive, and most of the time, at the edge of the heinous.

Let's face it. Even if you are just excited watching the bright colors and flashy photos in the catalogs they want to slime and order as many items as you want, the fact is that when you get to receive both direct mail marketing ads daily, it can be quite oppressive.

Because of direct mail marketing, many retailers went to the sale of their customer database just to be able to increase the rising costs of printing and mailing of their ads to their target customers. Thus, you can also find many kinds of catalogues and brochures in your mailbox everyday, even those retailers who offer products and services that you do not need or want. Some more paper to add to your growing collection.

It is then that your ad becomes tacky. Because your print ads to people who did not have a need for what you have to offer, often, your words and the message that you feel is relevant rather seen as something cheap and tasteless. Even if your intentions are good, but your fine or writing your ad text, it is still a feeling lost during the award to a person who does not have a need for your business.

So, before you decide to choose direct mail marketing of your campaign, you may wish to consider the pros and cons first. Because what a direct mail announcement may be beneficial also with another media campaign, with fewer expenses. Just think.

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